¿Odias los ejercicios y las? Georgie Thomas también, la joven australiana llegó a pesar 82 kilos y tenía que usar talla 14.  No encontraba régimen alimentario que le sirviera y el gimnasio le generaba ansiedad.

Esa historia es parte de su pasado, ahora pesa 58 kilos. Su secreto fue la alimentación balanceada, antes se alimentaba de alimentos con alto nivel de carbohidratos. Al asumir que necesitaba perder peso empezó a consumir alimentos integrales. El resultado fue que bajó 25 kilos.

La joven conoció los beneficios del coaching y a su régimen alimenticio  de alimentos integrales le sumó batidos. En una entrevista para el tabloide Daily Mail, Georgie Thomas indicó que han pasado tres años desde que empezó su dieta y que se siente mejor que nunca. 

El caso de Georgie Thomas llamó la atención  de la prensa debido a que la joven afirma que come más que nunca y se siente realmente bien. "Tres años y medio más tarde sigo el mismo programa y puedo ajustarlo cuando sea necesario, lo que demuestra que se trata de un verdadero cambio de estilo de vida", precisó.

Esta dieta también le permitió a Georgie Thomas perder el miedo de asistir al gimnasio. La joven toma clases de entrenamiento personal y creo su propio sitio web para animar a otras personas a cambiar su estilo de vida a uno más saludable. 

When I first tried lose weight in my first year of uni I tried body trim, lite and easy and then as I finished Human Movement and went into Exercise Physiology I tried to do things by the book and do full clean eating and tried to exercise more to reach my goals. Did I get some results? Yes, but were they maintainable, make me feel good and became a real lifestyle change? No and I was stuck in a vicious cycle. I couldn't keep at it for long, they depleted me and it got to the point I never thought I would reach my goals until I decided to try a program that included whole foods, superfood smoothies and intermittent fasting. I was skeptical as all sh*t because nothing lasted before but I decided to give it one more shot, I was desperate to find a regime that worked because I felt like crap and also felt so incongruent helping others with their health goals when I knew how hard it was. 3.5 years later, I have been following the same program and I can tweak it when I need to. After 3.5 years, I'm still following it which goes to show it's a real lifestyle change. I don't have to stress anymore, I don't need to look for the next best thing, I'm eating more than I ever have and I feel freaking good. Not every program suits every person, so find what works for you, give it a good shot and don't settle for something you don't love. It's all about that balance.

Una publicación compartida de G E O R G I E T H O M A S (@georgiethomas) el

We are RARELY allowed to do this! ⭐️ 10% OFF ALL nutrition packs ⭐️ for this week only Message me if you want info on different packs!

Una publicación compartida de G E O R G I E T H O M A S (@georgiethomas) el

Trusting the process. This photo was taken at the end of my first 16 weeks and right now I'm in my second round but trying to build more muscle so I am eating more and therefore my stomach doesn't feel this lean. I definitely have times where I feel yuck and feel like I have gone backwards but then I put a current picture up against my last 16 week ones and realise I am being a noooob. Yes I feel a bit more podgey around my stomach but this is normal especially if you have put your food up. Moral of the story is, trust the process, think of the end game, keep doing your best each day, know that eating more is a GOOD thing when you are training hard and to build muscle you need to stay on top of things and go through this icky stage. What I'm most excited about is how my body is going to be in time for summer. This phase is challenging both mentally and physically but after how much I transformed in the last 16 weeks, I can't wait to see the results in the next few months and trust not only the process but my coach @maytivate.pt as she has the real booty here 😏

Una publicación compartida de G E O R G I E T H O M A S (@georgiethomas) el

Game time baby.

Una publicación compartida de G E O R G I E T H O M A S (@georgiethomas) el

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